'Our Fitness Transformations | Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, & How We Stay Motivated'

'Today we\'re talking about our fitness journeys! How our bodies have transformed after being in the gym everyday for years. It\'s an incredible journey that we\'re both super excited to be on, and it\'s one that never ends! We discuss our fat loss, muscle gain, stamina, endurance, increased mobility, new personal weightlifting records, nutrition, gym motivation, and more. Thank you so much for liking, commenting, & subscribing. We love y\'all!  TIME STAMPS: 0:00 - 1:30 Intro 1:30 - 3:30 Our Fitness Background 3:30 - 7:25 Raya\'s Transformation 7:25 - 10:00 Precious\' Transformation 10:00 - 13:05 How We Stay Motivated 13:05 - 13:27 Outro  MUSIC Intro song: Erupt by Ash Beats Background song; Pancakes by Jeff Kaale  https://youtu.be/e8MvPXlcMq0 transformations, body transformations, fitness transformation, body transformation, gym transformation, crossfit transformation, bodybuilding transformation, gym motivation, gym fitness, fitness motivation, crossfit journey, transformation journey, body transformation journey, nutrition, crossfit, crossfit couple, lesbian couple, lesbian couple youtubers, cute lesbian couple, cute lesbian couple youtubers, weight loss, fat loss, muscle gain, staying motivated, how to stay motivated, how we stay motivated, fat to fit, underweight to fit, strong, muscular, fat to fit transformation female, fat to fit motivation, fat to fit women, underweight how to gain weight, underweight to musculara, underweight to healthy weight, underweight to normal weight' 

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